Homeowner Advocates

Building Self-Reliance.

We All Have a Role

The road to homeownership for Habitat families can often seem daunting and overwhelming. As part of the Habitat program, each homeowner must complete 300 hours of “sweat equity” building their own home and the homes of others in the program, attending homeownership classes, and serving in their community. They must also prepare for all the responsibilities that come with homeownership.

Homeowner Advocates help our future homeowners stay motivated and serve as cheerleaders to help keep them going during difficult times. Homeowner Advocates help families keep their eye on the prize and remind them what they are working toward.

Homeowner Advocates must:

Become an Advocate

If you are interested in becoming a Homeowner Advocate or learning more about what it entails, please contact our Family Services Director, Birdie Harrison at 812-423-5623 ext. 236 or by emailing bharrison@evansvillehabitat.org.

Looking for More Ways to Get Involved?

Habitat has many opportunities to get involved and make a difference. No matter your skillset or level of expertise, we have a place for you.