Annual Reports
Every year, Habitat for Humanity of Evansville releases a new annual report, highlighting many different aspects of the past year including: financial updates, Core Crew and Board member information, gifts and donations, and more.
Community Builders
Every year Habitat for Humanity of Evansville releases two newsletters, titled the Community Builder. These newsletters give updates on Habitat happenings, celebrates milestones, gives shout-outs to donors, and more.
Impact Studies and the Benefits of Homeownership
Habitat for Humanity believes that homeownership is the vehicle for positive change in our community. Homeownership provides a broad range of benefits to individual homeowners, children of homeowners and the community at-large. Homeowners are more likely to participate in local organizations, vote, and stay in the neighborhood for a longer period of time. They are also more satisfied with their home and neighborhood than renters.
Children of Homeowners
- Enjoy higher rates of educational success, including graduation rates and post-secondary education.
- Experience fewer behavioral problems than children living in rental situations.
- Are more likely to earn more and less likely to rely on welfare.
- Experience a better social environment, both in their homes and neighborhood.