Future Habitat Homeowner

"Habitat does a big service and  Christ is working through them… it’s a blessing to be a part of this.”

Every Homeowner Has a Story


Malinda is a gracious, appreciative woman who is firmly rooted in the belief that all good things in life come back to God. ”I wasn’t always a Christian,” she explains. “But embracing God has made a huge difference in my life. I love the Good Lord because He first loved me, and I’m thankful for the peace and grace He has brought me.” She is a member of Christian Fellowship Church.

Malinda is also a devoted mom of two living with her children and mother in a 2-bedroom apartment. She has a son named Christopher (29) and a daughter named Fayth (15). Like any loving family, they enjoy quality time together; some of their favorite activities are shopping trips as a family or sitting down to watch a movie. Fayth likes playing card games with her mom, and Malinda watches both Fayth and Christopher play on the Xbox. Fayth especially loves Fortnite.

When Malinda first applied for Habitat, the timing was not quite right. “I actually applied once before but I had to get my credit score fixed. I went and worked on that, but I didn’t really think of applying again. Then I was at Bible study one evening and someone nonchalantly mentioned their acquaintance going through the program and I felt a nudge to apply again…” And so she did exactly that, this time receiving an acceptance letter. “God works in mysterious ways,” she adds. “I was so overwhelmed with happiness I didn’t tell anyone at first because I knew I’d start crying.”

Juggling motherhood, church, work, and Habitat since her admittance into the program has been a big pursuit, but Malinda takes it in stride. Her days are spent working for an employer she loves, the Good Samaritan Home, while many afternoons and evenings are filled with Habitat classes and sweat equity time. “If I’m not at work, I’m usually out there with Habitat. I’m working constantly and I’m blessed my family can help me make this happen.”

Malinda knows the hard work is all worth it because of the impact this new home will have. It will be a place that’s stable, safe, secure, and that truly belongs to her family. “It will be something that is ours, that we can grow old in,” she says. “I’m just thankful for that.” The affordable mortgage will also mean new opportunities for the family to grow and bond. Malinda hopes to use some of the money she will save on her mortgage on returning to school, but there’s also one place she wants to take her kids. “Disneyland. I’ve always wanted to take my kids there, but there’s always some bill to take care of and responsibility comes before pleasure…”

Malinda’s final comment is one of thanks. “I am so thankful for everything [everyone involved with Habitat] does. It wouldn’t be possible without everyone helping. Habitat does a big service and  Christ is working through them… it’s a blessing to be a part of this.”

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