Future Habitat Homeowner

"This journey has been a struggle, but I know it’s going to pay off and things will be a lot better."

Every Homeowner Has a Story


April first applied to the Habitat program at age 19. She always knew she wanted to be a homeowner but didn’t know a lot about the process. She was turned down for the program at first, but she persisted, learned, and was accepted. April is a hard-working, determined person who loves her three children (ages sixteen, ten, and nine), and wants the best for them. As a family, they enjoy cooking, baking, and watching movies together. She works a swing shift at Sabic, where she has been for almost a year. She sometimes works seven days a week, so times with her family are special.

Currently, the family rents a house. Even though the house has not been well-maintained, the rent is still high, as are the utility bills. The high rent and expenses leave little money left over after bills are paid. A well-constructed and well-insulated Habitat home will reduce expenses and allow the family to save for the future. The extra savings will also allow her to help pay for her kids’ college expenses in just a few years.

April was very excited when she learned that she had been accepted into the program. Even though it has been hectic – running from her job to working at the construction site, then home to take care of her kids – she has loved the journey so far. She knows that she is working for a better future for her family.

April’s dream is to work in construction, which is her passion. She loves working on Habitat houses, both for her family and for other families in the program. She also enjoys working at the ReStore when she can’t be on the construction site. She intends to continue working with Habitat even when her home is finished and hopes to join the Core Crew one day.

As she was painting a home recently, she was reminded of how much of a Habitat family she has with the other families in the program. There will be four Habitat homes (including hers) in a row, so she already knows her future neighbors. She says, “It is our own happy community.” She is incredibly grateful to the sponsors and volunteers who have helped her on her journey. The journey has included a lot of “blood, sweat, and tears, “but we get to do it together, and that’s the beauty of it.”

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