Homeowner Stories

Every Homeowner Has a Story


“At the end of the race I get to cut that red ribbon and get those keys! That’s what keeps me going.”

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“I want everyone to know how thankful I am to them for being the answer to my prayers… God is amazing.”

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“I’m so grateful that Habitat has given me this opportunity. Never give up on your dreams because this is a dream come true!”

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“I cannot express my thanks enough. I’ve never felt more loved in my entire life and I am forever indebted to everyone.”

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“Having the opportunity to raise my son in a place that is permanent means everything. This is a new chapter for us!”

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“For the first time in 28 years I feel like I can live and not survive. And that’s all thanks to God and Habitat.”

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“I felt stuck. But God opened a door for me. This is a big accomplishment for me and my kids.”

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“For my kids to be able to look back one day and say ‘that is my childhood home’ will mean everything to me.”

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“I can’t say thank you enough to everyone…to Habitat, to the Core Crew, to my sponsor…to everyone who is making this possible.”

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“We’re very excited and very thankful. We are blessed to have this opportunity. It’s been a journey and it’s been rough, but it’s been worth it.”

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“To be able to give my boys a sense of stability and security means the world to me. They will grow up in a house that they know is theirs.”

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“It was a lot to take on and it required determination. But if others can do it, I knew I could too!”

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“This journey has been a struggle, but I know it’s going to pay off and things will be a lot better.”

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“I am so grateful for this opportunity. Without Habitat and all the volunteers, I wouldn’t be able to do any of this.”

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“I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart…for their time, the jokes, the laughter, and the education…it’s all appreciated.”

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Carl and Carol

“I’m really appreciative, I need this fresh start. It’s great that I’m going to have a brand new home I’m able to afford, and to really start over and replace the things I’ve lost.”

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Dane and Peggy

“It’s exciting to know we are actually helping build [our] house. It’s gonna be amazing to help raise our own walls.”

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“This house is going to take stress off my life so that I can relax and just be a mother.”

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“It’s going to be a new chapter in our lives where we can make new memories together.”

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“The 6-Month Money Management and the budgeting you have to do are the real deal… you’ve gotta really budget, it’s hard work! People may think this program is a walk in the park but it’s not. I’m learning all kinds of things though!”

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“I really like doing the construction. I put a wall up [on a house] which was something different I’d never done.”

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“I love this program! Just how it’s built… learning to budget, how to be a good neighbor, how to problem solve… All the required courses are super valuable.”

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Heavan 2


“This house will mean everything. It will be more than just a house to us—this will be our forever home. This is proof that God does answer prayers, it just takes time.”

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“[My daughter] doesn’t fully understand what’s going on yet, but I can’t wait for her to actually see the finished house I put my sweat and tears into. [It will be] somewhere we can both grow, but not grow out of. Just knowing that it’s ours will be wonderful. It will be a place where we can live our best lives.”

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“When we drive past other houses, Jacques tells me how bad she wants to have a home. She’s so excited to have a backyard to play in, and she’s so excited to be able to get a dog when we have our own yard… This house is going to be something permanent I can give my daughter. No matter what, this will be our home.”

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“Habitat does a big service and  Christ is working through them… it’s a blessing to be a part of this.”

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Cornelia H.

“I’m looking forward to being able to mark my kids’ heights on the walls… I’m happy about that… I’m smiling right now!  I do every time I think about our future home!”

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Sarah O.

“The experience is life changing.  I will get to build our family’s home from the ground up and pick out the colors for everything; it’s so exciting!  It gives us something to look forward to.  This house will mean stability.”

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“This house will mean a lot.  It will be a home for my kids and I … a place to call our own.  Becoming a homeowner has been in my plans for a while, and it will be major accomplishment when we move in.  I’m excited and proud that I’m doing something this big for my family.”

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